Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label signs. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Astrological Arsonist: Setting Fire to their lifestyle for Excitement & Control--or incapability to manage

Meet the astrological Arsonist--an original concept of mine. They seem to self-destruct and ask for help on a continuous basis by which they use, either openly or through means, passive-resistance refusal, child-like behavior, manipulation, or pure willfulness. An Arsonist is a master of creating Controlled Chaos, and most likely a psychopath. This is the first of three articles that I am postulating on this subject.
   An Arsonist in my astrological-psychological view is someone who deliberately creates circumstances or behaviors where someone must come and figuratively and emotionally put out a fire: an event or condition that has dead-end results and misjudged expectations without consideration. The Arsonist enjoys the thrill of power-control: he/she has reinforcement of ego and importance as a new obstacle-hurdle has been put in the way of a daily routine, a long-term plan, or just spontaneous action. I would imagine those of us who are now experiencing the role of caregiver for friends and elderly parents are noticing this identity. Also, consider the Arsonist in relationship patterns: a continued sense of "My life is not exciting enough--I must do something to see others jump at my command!" A romantic involvement is often a playground for an Arsonist.
    On a separate note, I believe an Arsonist is also someone who cannot get out of his/her own way; they place obstacles, hurdles, delays, rejections, and other forms of non-compliance and resolutions in their path. And THEN they complain, worry, fret, and limit themselves from accomplishments--and in turn, will take time and engage anyone willing to listen that life is difficult and thwarting their efforts. 
      Arsonists are often bored--they seek excitement and adventure. I would therefore categorize the Fire signs (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) as the primary candidates, but that is too obvious. Instead, consider that the other 11 signs also have tendencies, each with its own quality.
     For example, it's obvious that an Aries would easily trigger patterns of disruption for sheer initiation and "something new," but Taurus can delay, refuse, resist, and be unwilling to yield to even the most reasonable offer or request. The delaying tactic is one that creates a whirlpool of potential resolution. Gemini, in a search for endless information, may surely continue to be involved in so many commercially-driven promotions and solicitations from media sources who are sales-driven and based on self-promotion and exploitation of the consumer. Financial management problems would likely follow: "I can't get enough ideas!" Crabs surely know how to make the best of worries and fears, especially over personal safety or that of family members, in order to maintain and keep close ties. Fear and smothering demands for love and nurturance to/from others can be like quicksand to those involved. Leo, again as Fire, can be bombastic and pompous to the point of distress: "How dare you defy me?" is a phrase I heard from my own mother, who had a Leo ascendant. The sense of royal obligation by underlings is not only expected, but held as a sense of status and entitlement.
     Virgos can micro-manage even themselves into a state of Obsessive-Compulsive disorder, let alone unhinge the person who has to manage or care for someone with organization-is-life needs. Libra can be caught in the net of Co-Dependency so tightly that they can not bear to be alone for 24 hours, and may use social media formats and electronics as a tool of continuous contact. Scorpio surely knows how to be in control: paranoia and suspicion of ANYTHING or ANYONE who dares threaten must be kept at arm's length and under careful observation.
    Sagittarius can potentially be an Arsonist in both speech and action. Words can cause huge battles, especially with family members, colleagues, and social outlets of beliefs and values. Also, don't put it past an Archer to be a hoarder: "more is better." Try and manage a house where "don't throw that out!" is a mandate, and Time is left sitting in cabinets and closets, later to be discarded when it should have been avoided in the first place.
      Capricorns don't usually find a spot as an Arsonist, but there are surely those who take advantage of others for personal advantage--and usually financial gain. Aquarius in search of Freedom can be an Arsonist in style: "I'll follow my own path and disregard any action or result that doesn't give it my way." Anyone in partnership with this type knows this likely means associating with a lack of constraints on social structures: living from day-to-day in group units (shelters, collective gatherings). Pisces offers a never-ending potential of Arsonist qualities, but it's emotional-sensitive in nature and not aggressive-dynamic. A Pisces soul caught in an Arsonist pattern can be caught in a maelstrom of confusion followed up with sensitively good intentions and terrible judgment.
     What to do about the Arsonist in your life? It's clearly a matter of Power & Control--and personal boundaries. The Arsonist has no qualms about encroachment on other peoples' lives--this is a very self-centered character flaw, and may likely be hiding a Narcissistic Personality. The key factor to remember is simple: "No." An Arsonist will rise into whatever level of insistence their sign carries with a likely demonstration of unhealthy tendencies, but it is essential for anyone involved in a relationship or caregiver role to recognize the need to put out the Arsonist's ability to ignite intention and spark an inappropriate or unwise response. 
(C) MDLOP8 2024    

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Elements as the spice(s) of Life Expression

If the elements (motivational factors of signs) were seasonings, then they would be the spices of Life that variety is said to bring.  They are emotional and sensory keys of behavior and needs that indicate the “temperament” of an individual:  how he/she “tastes” their world-at-large.  In that manner, using spices and the sensory quality of taste will work here:

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
are “spicy”: “hot” people who are spontaneous, energetic, motivated, aggressive, dramatic, overpowering, royal-in-bearing, or impulsive. Need energy, enthusiasm, motivation, A.C.T.I.O.N. or just putting it into a higher gear? FIRE it up! 

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) 
are “salty”: “Salt of the Earth” hard workers, fixed in principles and unwilling to yield until moved, grounding, sensuous and touchy-feely, persistent, determined, and willing to bear a burden to get the job done. Put some EFFORT into it--some real HANDS-ON and see it finished!

Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
are “sweet”: “Lighter-than-air” intelligent souls who communicate, question, query, disseminate, and disperse ideas and information; arbitrators and negotiators, graceful presenters of social tact and presentation, social gatherers and coordinators of humanitarian projects and programs. Oh, you make my head spin with your words! 

Like pickles and relish, Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
are “sour”: “bitter-at-times” but with a purpose: an awareness of pain, sensitivity, and distress in another person’s psyche.  Outbursts of emotions, playing on vulnerabilities and compassion in others, manipulation of affection by acts of display, and mood swings are found here. I'm CRYING buckets of tears because I feel so much!!

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Aries, the Sign of the first day of Spring and Motivation

 (Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.)

Aries:  Mar 21-Apr 19
"I Am What I Am"

The birth sign Aries heralds the start of Spring, and the beginning of new life. Arian natives are characteristic of the growth that signals the new season: they are dynamically active to open up new endeavors and experiences, much as nature emerges from winter's sleep with a burst of vitality. Arians are so boundless in their expression to release their energies, they sometimes lose sight of the goal they sought to accomplish. Therefore, it would be better if an Aries learned to complete the task at hand, before bursting out aggressively to the next idea!

Arians are fiercely independent for their causes and desire to conquer new territories. The Arian temper is legendary for its volcanic explosions at the slightest challenge, but it burns out quickly and all is forgiven moments later. Arians are noted for both physical strength and endurance, which also translates into sexual energy. Their desire to bring forth new avenues in all aspects of life carries into pursuit of the opposite sex.

Arians have a child-like, innocent quality to their actions; foolish, impulsive decisions without planning and courageous life-threatening heroics are typical. They are certainly accident-prone. Their greatest fear is to be rejected by someone or to be confronted by a potential weakness. Due to the warrior nature of Aries' namesake, the Greek god of War, Ares, military service and the affinity for firearms and sharp objects have an Arian appeal. Aries is the sign of the soldier, and sports often provide the release for the need to physically overpower an "opponent."

Aries is the sign of the ego, the need to learn life's lessons the hard way, through repeated, patient example, until deliberation and preparation of their exuberance can be better directed.  There are two types of Aries:  the "Mars" type which looks for fights or causes and must be constantly engaged in some kind of conflict, or the "Sun" type, which is the Exalted role of Aries.  This role brings more motivation and inspiration to projects (or individuals with whom the soul connects): "the Peaceful Warrior." The classic composition "Mars, the Bringer of War," by Gustav Holst, personifies the Aries soul.

Control, comprehension and completion are three important milestones in an Arian's life. When they are mastered, the dynamic regenerative ability, spiritual self-confidence and willpower are harnessed, and the creative activities become more divinely inspired.

Masculine Principle: Potency
(Mars)  Physical -Sexual Energy
Aggression – Anger - Drive - Assertion
Soldier – Warrior - Amazon   
The Don Juan - *Woman Chaser 
#The Pioneer - **Daredevil

Sly Stallone        Hercules        *Warren Beatty 
*Casanova          Vin Diesel        Bruce Willis
Extreme Sports  #Amelia Earhardt
Arnold Schwarzenegger           **Evel Knievel

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pisces - Cosmic Consciousness with the One Creative Source

Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.

Pisces (February 19 - 
March 20)
"I am What I Intuitively Believe"

In Pisces, we find the emotional state of water compounded by the illusionary rulership of Neptune, as well as the higher ideals of inspiration and faith of Jupiter, its co-ruler. Piscean souls seem to be caught in the tides of human emotion that are constantly swirling around us. They have an empathic nature that makes them sensitive subconsciously to those around them, and to the world at large. Pisceans are reluctant to conform to "common sense" because they are vaguely aware that Earth is not the real home of our highly developed soul nature.

This longing to return back to the presence of God and the spiritual level of unity with our Creator makes Pisceans take an escapist attitude. Their attempts to transcend their earthly bonds can be destructive if not brought under control. Pisces rules the use of drugs and alcohol, as well as the fantasies of the mind, and many of these people turn to the abuses of mind and body in this manner.

The sign of Pisces is two fish, swimming in opposite directions. The escapist side is one fish, but the other is the higher evolved side, which turns back to the creative, mystical channels of universal energies. Pisceans are able to create great works of art or poetry, and their natural desire to express themselves in dance or music. They allow themselves to find their other-worldly self in the dream life of the theater, as they are able to envision themselves in another person's shoes and can act out roles by immersing their identity.

Pisceans also find a fulfillment of purpose in self-sacrifice and service, and are often found working in hospitals and institutions, where their healing love for people brings them peace. They are sensitive to the suffering of the world, and by reaching out to help others in need, they uplift the lives of others, as well as their own. A Pisces will also take on responsibilities or entangle themselves in relationships with the best intentions, but often attracting someone with qualities that make the Pisces' efforts seem in vain, such as patterns of abusive lovers or spouses.

Pisces rules the feet, as it is natural that these people learn to experience a grounding effect to keep them aware of the realities of life. It is this very contact with the earth that enables them to be the graceful ballet, choreographer, ballroom dancer or performing arts achievers, who draw us to daydream of the etheric heights. Pisceans also are blessed by their desire to play musical instruments, or the superb vocal qualities that they often possess. No matter what their gift is, a Pisces wants to share it with us to remind us of our origin and true home with our Creator.

Transcendental Merging with Spirit -
Cosmic Consciousness “Other-Worldliness”
(Neptune - Jupiter)
Union to the Creator’s Universal Mind
The Dreamer 
The Renunciate

Fantasy    Substance Abuses    Cults  Escapism    
Religious Sacrifice    New Age music
Yoga - body work      The Musician - Poet

The classic composition "Neptune" by Gustav Holst personifies the Piscean sense of One-ness with the Highest Creative Source/Godhead. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Aquarius - Universal Knowledge and Independence of Self

(Just a note:  not ALL the classic social role models ("archetypes") will fit the sign's characteristics--but these are good examples of people who outwardly express the qualities of the sign.)


(January 21 - February 19)
I Am Unique in order to Liberate Myself and Others

Aquarians are the independent, free-spirited souls of the zodiac, answering to none but their inner voice that makes them unpredictable in thought and behavior. The symbol for Aquarius is a man pouring a pitcher of water onto the earth:  the representation is the water of knowledge that Aquarians pour to share with all mankind.  Thus, Aquarius is NOT a water sign, but an air element because water flows (and air does not readily do this).  Humanitarian endeavors naturally draw an Aquarian. They see no boundaries between social or nationality lines, embracing the brotherhood/sisterhood of the world. Aquarians are friendship-minded and group-oriented, and the agility and ease with which they find new associations, organizations, and ideas to share within those groups are more important than one-to-one relationships.

 The rulership of Uranus makes many Aquarians feel as though they are going through life on a roller coaster, with unexpected turns and upheavals. Anyone who comes into contact with an Aquarian may also be puzzled by their strong, stubborn sense of freedom and independence, as well as their choice to change the rules according to their own whims. Aquarians also display an amazing mental aggressiveness that characterizes air signs. Their thoughts can range from eccentricity to genius, at the same time and depending upon whose opinion is being considered! The changes in gender-identity are Aquarian; they are aware that we are transforming within our existence in the human experience and will eventually reach a level where there is no need for gender assignment or specification. This is a variable that exists in some but not all other planetary physical lifeforms, but is recognized and accepted. Aquarians have the capacity to live-in-the-moment but be aware of social patterns and trends that go decades or even centuries beyond the current times.

 The Aquarian phrase is "I Know," and they are quite honest in their confidence that much of the knowledge of the universe is accessible for them. Aquarians must have their sense of freedom to explore their need for change and new, exciting ideas to share with others. They can detach from commitments at a moment's notice without a need to explain, making them seem cold and distant. They can remain loyal to those with whom they feel worthy of attention, but mental challenge and intellectual rapport are critical to keeping them interested.  Aquarians also enjoy the determination and stubbornness that is typical of fixed signs. They can make dedicated workers, as long as their effort leads to the benefit of a group effort.

 Aquarians also share the rulership of Saturn, which lends a grounding effect to their sudden and erratic actions, as well as a desire to follow through to completion a disciplined end to what they have started. Aquarius also rules the world of electronics, radio communications and new inventions. Many Aquarians find great enthusiasm with the world of video or computers and their accessories.

 Aquarius rules the electrical aura of the body, as well as the ankles and shins. They often enjoy activities that challenge them with the physical use of their legs, such as swimming, biking, or skating. They are also prone to a loss of heat in their circulatory system when they have emotional upset or other illnesses weaken them.

Brother/Sisterhood - Universal Knowledge and Thinking (Uranus - Saturn)
Independence & Originality - Eccentricity
Social Unity
The Humanitarian
“Different Drummer”

The Social Rebel  The Genius    Social Revolution
The 60’s  The Grateful Dead band

George Sand   Edison - Tesla   Einstein - Physics
Facebook and other social media  

The Matrix Trilogy

 The classic composition "Uranus, the Magician" by Gustav Holst represents the quirkiness of Aquarius.

(c) MDLOP8 2010

Monday, November 4, 2013

Venus in Capricorn: Love is a Working Relationship built by effort (or money)

With Venus in Capricorn, you can plan (a key word) for hard work, effort, persistence, and purpose to achieve a Relationship Worth Keeping. Venus is interested in either love or money, and if one comes with the other, so much the better. If you're hoping to win over someone who is looking for wealth and happiness in one package (and you qualify), now is your time.

    Often considered a cold placement, Venus here does have a practical side: there is the ability to repress emotions and feelings, but this can also be warmed up quite nicely in a romantic endeavor. And that's the difference when Venus transits through Capricorn: this is a time to win over personal and professional connections and show some business thinking. It's an excellent time to purchase items that have high value and historical legacy. 

    An excellent place to meet your special new love while Venus is in Capricorn: the corporate area (if you're allowed to mingle and not upset the human resources office). Also consider the ski slopes, or on a hiking tour: Venus in Capricorn will be at the high peaks looking for love. 

And just in case you're inclined or partial to the country, look for a farm girl who is wholesome, sincere, sweet, industrious, and good with animals. She's also a Venus in Capricorn type and attuned to Venus in an earthy way--and very well at home running things alongside you. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Personal Boundaries in the Zodiac

I was recently asked about a comment I made that "Scorpios and Virgos are similar in nature." To explain further, I replied, "It's a way that Scorpios and Virgos have about obsession, actually. Virgo has it for maintaining order in their life--or someone else's--and Scorpio about letting someone else INTO their life. All about control."

The Rolling Stones had a song, “Get Off of My Cloud.” ESPECIALLY for those in intimate and professional relationships, as well as how we conduct ourselves, we are all learning about “personal space.” This is especially so for anyone with 2nd house planets, and more so for personal ones (Sun-Moon-Mercury-Venus-Mars). But this also goes for 7th and 8th house planets: and within those houses, add in Saturn for structure, Uranus for unwillingness to yield to social formalities, Neptune for lack of clarity and personal discernment, and Pluto for control and power. The 4 major asteroids can also be factors too: willingness to bend and yield to a partner (Vesta) as a personal sacrifice of Self; Juno's expectations of commitment; Pallas Athena's sense of championing the less fortunate and also stretching gender roles, and Ceres' ways of caring and extending nurturing.

How we respect and learn our self-value of “being me” and also recognizing the same for others is a significant lesson that we are learning. Each sign has its own potential realization of saying to others (and also to the Self) that “These are MY boundaries.”

So how do other signs handle personal space and respecting (or not) those of others?  Generally speaking--and this is not specifying EVERYONE in any sign:

(1) Aries will run right over someone's space. "You talking to ME?! No, I'm NOT being insensitive--you're just not motivated enough. Here, let me show you...."

(2) Taurus thinks whatever they have (or someone else has) belongs to them: "Well, I want it--therefore, I should have it."
(3) Gemini tries to slip past mental barriers with "I'm curious about something you said/think. Why, no, I'm not being nosy--I was just wondering...."
(4) Cancer tries to protect their own sensitivity because they can sense so much about other people's feelings (boundaries): "You don't care how I feel! Go ahead and hurt me--you'll be sorry for it."
(5) Leo just wants to have recognition for their own boundaries; no one else matters as much: "How DARE you defy me? Don't you know how important I am?"
(6) Virgo...well..."EVERYTHING has its proper place and space! Make sure you know where mine are and what I expect of you!"
(7) Libra wants to be sure everyone's boundaries are respected and equal: "All is Fair in Love and War. But if it keeps us from arguing...I agree."
(8) Scorpio will kill anyone who gets too close to a personal boundary: "None of your damned business! And who asked you anyway?"
(9) Sagittarius wants to expand their boundaries (and that of others): "The bigger, the better! You would gain something from me anyway."
(10) Capricorn wants to use their boundaries for gain or success at the expense of others: "I can use this to my advantage--especially if you don't know my intentions and goals."
(11) Aquarius hides within the Collective Group boundaries and avoids commitment: "If you can't see or find me, I'm not required to validate my boundaries. Besides, I might change my view of them without explaining why."
(12) Pisces just doesn't know boundaries; they're too "far out" to maintain them: "Oh, it doesn't matter anyway. This just isn't reality--so go ahead with whatever it is you want. I'll find some way of adjusting."

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Friday, October 1, 2010

Signs - the Actors and Actresses of your Life Expression

The SIGNS emphasize an actor or actress who is playing the role in the movie or play about your life—and how they decide to portray the scene.  They are energized by the planet with which they are working.  Some signs are excitable, some are quiet, some are serious.  They follow the cue of the planet to which they are assigned for that part of your life energies, and are influenced and enhanced by the houses in which they are placed by the time of birth (the natal chart analysis), and current activities (transits, solar return-birthday cycle, or progressions).


(c) MDLOP8 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sun Signs and their nature of Needs and Behaviors

Who's your (Sun or "birth") sign?  

If you follow this wheel (going clockwise from the top, you can see the natural pattern of the Zodiac as well as the glyph (symbol) that corresponds to your birth date.  

(Yes, I know some people are born right on the split between signs; they're "born on the cusp."  I'll discuss that in a different post.  They tend to follow both the end-and-beginning of each sign...and they really do "start-and-stop" just a few days before-and-after the actual split that's credited to each sign's date.)

Each sign has its own characteristics (element of existence and quality) too, in a pattern, starting with Aries.  They follow a rotation of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water in their qualities.  Each quality is a response to Sensory Needs and Behaviors. It's like being on a varied group of teams, each with its own playing identity and scheme of responses to Life.

Elemental Teams:

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

(c) MDLOP8 2010